Papeete, Tahiti

Author:  Pete
Location: Papeete, Tahiti
Date: June 5 – 13

Alright! Back to work! I guess that’s how it’s felt in the last week in Papeete. We got set up in the new marina in town which is half price until the end of June. They’re still working on things so the marina isn’t a well oiled machine yet, but hey, neither am I. It’s a treat to be at a dock, to be able to run out and pick up something you forgot, to walk to dinner without being sprayed with sea water in the dinghy, hose salty kite and dive gear down without being a water Nazi, and also to take a real shower. I haven’t taken a real shower since Panama. That’s not to say that I haven’t taken a shower, or even a hot shower. The boat provides hot showers when the engines have been running. I’m talking about real, hot, soapy, soaker showers. 3000 miles long past.



Our first night in we went out to eat at the plaza that features all the Chinese food trucks in town. The place was teeming with people and steaming with food blazing over mobile propane grills. The food was great, and most importantly, not cooked by us! We also stumbled upon a great Polynesian dance performance. I was ready to get my coconuts and grass skirt going.





The town of of Papeete gets a bad rap from the cruising community. If one expects a pristine settlement on a tropical island, one shouldn’t expect to find random Harken jib car parts there. We were pleasantly surprised by Papeete. There’s a beautiful park and promenade along the waterfront, nice restaurants, and more chandleries than you can shake a spinnaker pole at.





The styles of the tattoos have been changing little by little as we head west through French Polynesia. In the Marquesas the tattoos were generally animals, sharks, dolphins, and rays. The Tuamotus had more geometric designs, angular and repeating. Here in the Society Islands we’ve seen more flowing ‘tribal’ designs with more Asian looking influence. Pretty neat.

Liza and Felix spent a day planning and packing before they headed to the other side of Tahiti to catch the big waves coming in there. It was an emotional send off; we were happy for all the help they’ve been aboard in good weather and bad, happy for all the incredible experiences we’ve been able to share together, but sad to see them go. C’est la vie.





No time to get glassy-eyed, Susan, time to get busy! We have a TO DO list about a mile long, nothing critical, but it’s like bailing water, if you don’t keep up, your boat is going down. For all the running around town we busted out the baby blue, sparkly fold-up bike that was stashed in the starboard crash box back in Fort Lauderdale. She was still in impeccable shape with not a spot of rust! We bolted her together and found some pegs in the local hardware store. I pedal, feet a blur in tiny circles, and Miranda stands on the back, holding on, skirt flapping in the wind. It’s comical. If I didn’t have a cute girl holding onto me, I’d feel like a big knob and get beat up by way more muscley Polynesian men.




On the list, propane! Dragged seven, ten-pound propane tanks to the gas filling station some miles north of town on the blue bike. Then it was onto replacing failing exhaust hose and dinghy fuel line connections, running to the Port Captain and Customs Offices for clearance paperwork, and general cleaning and work on the boat. Miranda also got her hair cut by ‘professionals’ in a ‘salon’ because she doesn’t trust me with the ‘trimmers’ to give her a ‘fashionable haircut’ on the ‘transom’. Geeze, some people have no adventurous spirit at all.





We also destroyed the blog by updating the WordPress software and it took a good couple hours of freaking out in an internet cafe, but Miranda figured it out. For you gurus, we couldn’t login to our admin site because we got the White Screen of Death (technical term, promise!) from our outdated theme’s incompatibility with the new version of WordPress. So she updated the WordPres theme by overwriting the current version via an FTP client called Filezilla. Merg? It’s sort of like getting your Michigan driver’s licence renewed when you’re not allowed back in the country because you have too many DUIs. Tough going. It’s amazing what you learn out here, even when you don’t want to.

We loaded up with new provisions, fresh produce at the market, a good deal of booze, watered up, and filled the boat with diesel, before heading out of Papeete! On to new horizons!





Passage to Tahiti

Author: Pete
Location:  16°54.429S’   146°57.237W’
Date:  June 2nd – June 4th


June 2nd saw the high wind which had previously swept the Tuamotus and filled our kites in the past days calming.  It’s time to head to Tahiti.  Liza and Felix have flights to catch and Miranda and I have a good deal of work to do on the boat that we’ve been neglecting.  It’s been terrific ignoring minor problems in favor of diving and kiting and snorkeling all in the same day.  That’s what we’re here for, isn’t it?  But the TO-DO list grows longer little by little as the salt air and general wear and tear take their toll on everything.  We need a week of civilization, or more specifically, a hardware store.  A grocery store wouldn’t hurt either.

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Made a couple lunches and a couple dinners to have in the refrigerator so no one had to cook in the two day passage.  Said goodbye to our friends on Namaste who we’d been kiting and diving with for the week.  We pulled anchor without incident.  Our three meter anchorage had low, scattered coral heads and we floated the chain to avoid them.  We rounded the long shoal finger just inside of the Fakarava pass and exited easily even with 2 knots of incoming current.  Outside the pass we put up the spinnaker and ghosted along slowly for an hour, then doused it and motored, then flew the spinnaker again just at dusk.  So much work, this sailing life.  Now we’re on the downhill run to Papeete.   A little rain accompanied us along the way.

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June 3rd, our second day on passage to Tahiti trailed behind us like our wake astern.  At the end of my watch the wind died and the spinnaker sagged over the deck.  I pulled it down and fired up the girls.  We motored most of the day in zero wind.  Really ZERO wind.  The Pacific was glassy, and besides a few gentile rollers lifting the boat there was nothing but our forward motion courtesy of the diesels.  The wind filled in come evening, and just before dinner we were again sailing, now on a beam reach.  A cargo ship, the Chiquita according to the AIS, steamed by us off our starboard at 18 knots, coming within a half mile.  We haven’t seen a real ship in months!

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Liza and Felix caught a tuna and cleaned it for dinner!  We put it with rice and veggies and sat on deck watching the sky afterwards.  Miranda spent some time digging coral out of her knees from kiteboarding into and through the coral ‘bommies’ in Fakarava.  Much easier if you just go over them.

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Now it’s another gorgeous, cloudless night sailing under a full moon bright enough to put charge through the solar panels!

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Sighted Tahiti the morning of June 4th.  The tall green of the island and its massive dimension contrast starkly with the low, tiny motus of the atolls we’ve been frequenting.  It’s pretty amazing to think that there were islands like Tahiti on all of those atolls, once tall and green, now ground into sand and swept out to sea as the coral reefs build into low motu and remain.  Pretty neat geographical evolution.  You can really see the scale of geologic time.  Don’t blink.

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The wind built steadily throughout the night.  This morning I woke to the pleasantly rocky ride associated with good wind.  We’re up to 15 knots of wind abeam and are nicely making way, topping out at 8 knots.  The boat hums happily with a low vibration when we approach hull speed.  Feels good to be moving fast; I’m humming too.  Funny how one’s mood is so synced with that of the boat.  She’s like another entity among us.  Like I need one more female personality aboard!  (kidding, kidding!)

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Cumulous clouds cap the verdant peaks as we round the north side of the island.  Eventually buildings spring into view and other boats bounce along the choppy sea.  We prepare for making port.  Just before we pass between the (backwards) navigational buoys we called the harbor control and were given clearance to enter the port.  Were they going to fire cannons at us if we didn’t call?  We sidled up to a finger pier in the new municipal marina that’s still under construction without incident, despite my rusty docking skills.  I think we just sailed to Tahiti.

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Panama City- prepping for the big push!

Author: Miranda

After relaxing in Las Perlas for a few days, it was time to head back to the long to-do list that awaited us in civilization.  We jumped back into readying the boat, provisioning, and finishing up all those important items that you just must do before you even think about crossing the world’s largest ocean.PC part 2-4

Let me share with you the intricacies of our pre-passage to-do list.  Are you beside yourself with excitement?  I know I am.

First of all, our drogue was towards the top of our MUST-DO list.  We decided that after spending money like it’s going out of style, we’d save some bucks by making our own drogue.  The boat didn’t come with one, and after some research, we realized the general consensus is the series drogue is the best option out there.  After finding the plans on, we figured we were up for the challenge.  I don’t really want to know how many hours of my life I’ve devoted to this device who’s purpose is to slow down a vessel that averages little more than my own despicable jogging speed, but let’s just say it’s been many hours.  Very. Many. Hours.

Cones had to cut from fabric, webbing attached, sewn into a cone shape, spliced into our 3-strand nylon rope, then the final touch- eye splices were added to each end.

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But it’s done!!  Glory be to all things holy, it is done!

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General maintenance, like servicing our winches and lubing all pulley tracks, is beyond important before all the wear and tear your boat takes while at sea for weeks.

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Liza has become our weather guru, and she’s put in many hours researching weather patterns and how to download the correct documents via our SSB radio, pactor modem, and airmail software.  No small feat!

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Our boat has required a few major projects amongst the basic preparations, one of them included getting our portable generator working for those windless, sunless days at sea.  Sounds easy, but when you factor in having to do wiring in this position:

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it’s not such a quick job.

We’ve fixed leaks, added more lighting, sewn up holes, made a cover for our dinghy motor, done plumbing, bought spares for anything and everything we think might break, contacted agents in the Galapagos and French Polynesia, filled our diesel  tanks, our gasoline tanks, our propane tanks, and finally finished the list with the grocery shopping…

Oh, the grocery shopping!  We’ve set out to stock our boat for four months of provisions, which required no less than four different grocery store runs.  We started at, you guessed it, Costco!  (well, the Panamanian version called Pricemart) Filled up three carts full then, we, very sillily, proceeded to the general supermarket just down to street (Riba Smith), without making a stop back at the marina in between.  Filled up another three carts full. Both the packing boys at Riba Smith (yes, we needed two) audibly laughed at us when we open our trunk and they saw just how full it already was.  But we managed.  Pete drove and Liza and I packed ourselves in amongst our groceries.

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I have never in my life seen a car more jam packed full of food!  God knows where it will fit on the boat. Looks even more menacing organized on the dock. Denny has the most important stash!

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But, of course, we found some time to have fun!  Casco Viejo and mojitos!  Great combo.

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And, we took a day to escape to nature in the Parque Nacional Soberanía, only 20 kilometers from the city.

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Sadly, we bid farewell to Jeanne and Denny.  They set off to explore a few sights outside the city and, probably, escape our grinding to-do list of tasks that we put them through during their stay on the Tayrona.  😉

We’ve filled our last few days with trips to the fruit and vegetable market…

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…and attempting to find space for said fruits and veggies on the boat.

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 We spent our final day in the city cooking up our first week of meals while on passage and getting checked out of the country.

Well, here goes!  Galapagos here we come!