Vava’u, Tonga

Author: Pete
Location:  Vava’u Island Group, Tonga
Date:  August 5 – 10, 2015


On August 5th, we left Niue heading west for Tonga.  Niue fell astern as we rocketed downwind, running wing-wing under twenty knots of wind.  Moderate following seas gave us an extra push AND we didn’t even have to hand steer since Otto was back in the game.  The next day was August 7th.  What happened to August 6th ask you?  Gone!  Zip!  Ripped from our lives like a bandaid from a skinned knee!   Everyone else will have an August 6th, but the day will be an empty hole in our histories. Can you hear the Twilight Zone music?  I hope I don’t have to account for my whereabouts at some point in the future.

“Where were you on the night on August 6th, 2015?”

“Uhhh… I didn’t get one.”

“Get one what?”

“An August 6th, sir. I missed that day. Must have been out sailing.”

Off with his head!


Tonga isn’t across the international dateline, but they take the same date as Fiji for business reasons.  Thus, as we raced into Tongan waters, our trusty little boat burrowed twenty-four hours ahead in time like a wayward electron quantum tunneling out of a potential energy well.   erhm…sorry ‘bout that.  Won’t let him out again.






We spotted the islands of the Vava’u group as we cut through a deep portion of the shoal and into more protected waters.  To the north and south of the cut, rollers exploded on the unseen reefs as we scooted through.  We sailed north then west, dodging rocky islands and a couple of whales before we tucked into the protected bay formed by Nuapapu and Vaka’eitu islands.  Tried anchoring in several spots before we were satisfied with our holding and swing room based on the weather supposed to be coming in.











We woke on the 8th after a glorious, flat-water sleep.  Our bodies ate it up.  Two days on passage isn’t enough to get your body into a good circadian sailing rhythm.  We were making ready to go snorkel the nearby coral gardens when a lone man standing in waist-deep water started yelling and waving from the empty shore.  I dropped the dinghy in the water and zoomed in to see what was up.  In the shallows a stout Tongan man with a mustache and enormous smile introduced himself as David.  I don’t know what he was smiling about- he explained that his boat broke down on other side of the island and asked me if I could tow it back to his house.  Together we zipped to a sandy bay where his two boys, George and Kaho, were waiting with the little boat.  Apparently the motor had died while they were fishing and George swam the boat to shore with a rope tied around his waist.  I threw them a line and towed the boat back around to the other side of the island where we moored it just off a sandy beach.  David’s tin house stood just inside the line of palm and mango trees.  He told me his family had been on Vaka’eitu for many generations, pointing out a small cemetery on a hill where his parents, grandparent, and great-grandparent were buried.



When David explained in his measured, thoughtful English that he had no tools to fix the motor, I offered to take a look at it.  I brought hardware from Tayrona and David went ashore to help his wife with lunch, leaving his sons on the skiff to help me with the repairs on the 2-stroke Yamaha .  The recoil mechanism to pull-start the motor wasn’t working and there was fuel leaking from somewhere.  The three of us sat on the little boat and wrenched off the recoil unit atop the engine.  The obnoxiously long winding spring had popped out of place and required a good deal of finesse and six hands to coerce back into the housing.  Nice to have so much help, even if we didn’t speak the same language all the time.  Pointing and noise making did the trick when ‘socket wrench’ didn’t translate into Tongan.  “Hey, pass me the ‘crick-a crick-a crick-a, please. Mālō”.  The fuel line connector had a torn seal that couldn’t be fixed, so I bypassed the connectors and spliced the fuel line right to the filter on the engine.  With a touch of persuasion the motor fired right up.  The boys were proud, David was relieved, and I was happy that I didn’t do any more grievous damage to the thing!  It’s nice to feel like you can give something tangible back to the people that share so much with us.  That boat and a small kayak are the only means of transportation from their island to the next town, five miles away across the bay, where the store, church, and school are.  I can’t imagine what happens if that motor goes south.  Daniel brought us three papaya, ten shucked coconuts, a dozen limes, and an invite to have dinner at his house to say thanks.






Before our big date ashore, Miranda and I went snorkeling in the coral gardens in the shallow pass between Nuapapu and Vaka’eitu.  At first the coral looked blasted, with mostly dead stag horn, though it was surprisingly still full of  fish.  We finned across the shallows toward deep water, and after duck diving a few breakers we were out in the deep.  Whales sang hauntingly in the distance as we chased butterfly fish and dove among the brightly colored, rolling patchwork-quilt of coral hills.  I think Nemo was even out there!









Also ran into a vicious predator of the deep.  This is one of the dreaded cone shells in the South Pacific.  It’s the Marbled Cone Snail.  It hunts other mollusks down and injects its venom through a harpoon structure that will also go through the foot of a careless wader.  There is another kind out here called the ‘Cigarette Cone Snail’ because you have time for one last cigarette if you get stuck by one before the venom gets you.  You know those things’ll kill you…


This next one is just a plain old boring cowrie shell.  Really pretty though!  They have a beautiful, smooth shell which gave rise to the word ‘porcelain’ from the Italian name for the little guys.  Neat, huh?



Back at the floating ranch we got ready to go in for dinner with David and his family.  We brought rice, veggies, and lemonade to share.  What do people like to eat on tiny Pacific islands?  Last time we treated a local guy to our cuisine he almost jumped overboard rather than try our peanut butter!  We also brought a bunch of little gifts for their kids: some cool shades for George, a pocket knife for Kaho, jewelry things for the girls.  David played guitar and sang harmony for Hika in a welcome song as the girls danced in the Polynesian style for us.  They served us a gorgeous spread of fried plantains, roasted grouper, and teriyaki chicken.  All of it was cooked over an open fire outside of their dwelling and had a beautiful smoky flavor.  I played a few tunes for them as well and we talked about life in Tonga.  It was a thoroughly enjoyable and unexpected evening.




After we got back to the boat the rains came, first sprinkling, but then quickly turning into torrents.  It was the front we had seen on our weather reports and the reason we ducked clandestinely into the shelter of Tongan waters.  It rained all night, the kind of biblical rain that weighs the boat down, obliterates all other sounds but the hammering of the decks, and turns the radar screen into a wash of yellow so thick that the shore can’t be seen just a hundred meters away.  No more sea spray on the decks!


We snorkeled in Willy Wonka’s coral gardens again the next days and prepared for our passage to Fiji with a few meals and a solid slab of brownies.  BAM!  Our original passage from Bora to Fiji was twice interrupted, both times leading us into extraordinary experiences for our troubles in changing our plans.  Go tell the sea gods about your plans.  They love a good joke.

More from Tayrona to come…


Bora Bora, Society Islands

Author: Pete
Location: Bora Bora, Society Islands
Date: July 13th – 19th, 2015


Motored out of Passe Paipai before sunrise in flat water leaving Taha’a in our wake on our twenty mile passage to what is reportedly the most beautiful island in the world. We got complacent with the flat seas and had a horrific accident just outside the pass, completely destroying THE most important piece of equipment on the boat: the French Press. NOOOOO!!! Left it sitting on the table and ran right through a ferry’s heavy wake. We weren’t sure how we’d make it the next 19 miles to Bora Bora uncaffeinated, but somehow we got through it, despite steering by hand.



Bora’s twin peaks on a central masiff rises sharply from sprawling fingers of the island. All around the island is a ring of taller motu just inside a reef. The lagoon between the island and the motu is deep and dark, and the outer lagoon is bright, clear and shallow.


We motored south through the lagoon then around the inner island of Toopua where we anchored in seven meters of clear sand as far as the eye could see and the kind of electric blue water that makes you pinch yourself and grin like and idiot. I was in the water almost before the anchor. 




Took the dinghy over to the pass just south of Toopua to check out a drift dive we’d heard about. Clouds of fish greeted us, looking for hand-outs, but unfortunately I’d left my bread and multiplication worksheets back on the boat. We drifted along the pass and spotted a spotted eagle ray, then two together, then four in a group, then FIFTY in a swarm! They are usually solitary so they may have been mating. As we watched them a fifteen foot manta ray winged past us. Of course the camera was dead for this round, so you’ll have to take my spotty word on it. 

It had been a rough day, what with missing pictures of the spectacular rays and the looming prospect of a morning without proper coffee so we rinsed off back at the boat and made a couple margaritas with our contraband tequila. Sat on the trampoline alone in the lagoon and played guitar. The night was so bright and the lagoon so calm you could see the reflection of the Milky Way in the water. Looked like the bright band dove into the sea and swam up to the boat. What a place.



The next day we went back and snorkeled the same spot armed with the camera. Eagle rays showed up, but not in the number of the previous day. No mantas though. Wah wah.









A few days of enjoying the lagoon and it was back to some business. We picked up our much awaited part, which necessitated a two-mile dinghy ride to the airport on an outer motu. Pretty cool to be able to dinghy up to an airport though. Installed the part and tested out our autohelm. Looks like we’re in business. Welcome back Otto! Now get to work!







The outer islands of Bora Bora are unreal.  The lagoon is otherworldly blue and the motu are packed with luxury hotels masquerading as bungalows.  The main island is home to regular local folk.  The streets are dirt, the town is small and rough around the edges.  It’s an interesting juxtaposition.








Looked at our itinerary and decided we better get moving. We’ve been three months in French Polynesia! We’re planning on heading from Bora Bora straight to Tonga with a possible stop in Nuie if weather permits. So we’re anchored off the little town getting the boat in passage making shape. We fueled, watered, provisioned, cooked meals, changed oil, and the like. It’ll be twelve days across to Tonga and we’ve been spoiled by the short-hops afforded by French Polynesia. To give you some perspective, sailing the 1200 miles from Bora to Tonga will be like traveling from Minneapolis to Miami at a brisk walking pace for two weeks. Maybe a jog if the winds are favorable. Wish us luck.


Bye-bye French Polynesia!

For folks who’d like a perspective on the distances we’ve covered here, this map overlays the country on top of a map of Europe.  Pretty neat.  Red = our trip aboard Tayrona.




Taha’a, Society Islands

Author: Pete
Location: Taha’a, Society Islands
Date: July 9 – 12, 2015


Sailed out of the Fare pass in Huahine and headed west downwind with following seas, running wing-wing to Taha’a….a….ah.. a… ah.. aaaa. Ugly clouds obscured the island as we crossed the twenty easy miles, but thankfully never hammered us. I love weather that’s “All-Bark, No-Bite”, or as my buddy Hal puts it, “All Hat and No Cattle”.



Once through the easy Toahotu pass we cut slightly south and into the deep Haamene Bay. We’re not sure what’s up with the island’s obsession with unnecessary vowels; I bet they’d get along well with Brits when they visit. I’m think they’d love the flavour, colour, and granduure of the island. We picked up a mooring in 100 feet of water courtesy of Hotel Hibiscus who we heard did great tours of the local vanilla and pearl farms on the island. We radiod them to see if they’d show us around the next day, then settled in to enjoy the huge empty bay and clearing skies.




The next day we met up with Marke, whose French father and Polynesian mother ran the pension. In my mind, Marke is spelled like that in following with the unnecessary vowels. You think I’m kidding, but when he showed us around the island, all of the signs seem to be missing all the consonants. Like when we drove through the town of Faaaha. Sounds like something I’ve shouted in front of my students when I forget to move the decimal and end up with completely the wrong answer twenty minutes later. “FAAAHA!”




Our first stop was at a local vanilla farm. Apparently, 80% of the French Polynesian vanilla comes from Taha’a. Teva, our host, showed us his covered grow house that keeps birds and other pests out. He said each vine takes 3 years to mature and give flower. The beans take nine months to develop after the flower is pollinated. Then the beans need to be sun-dried which takes another five months. So it takes over a year to go from flower to sellable bean. One kilogram (2.2 pounds, you lackey) of dried beans though goes for about $400-500 USD.






It’s a hybrid of the Bourbon vanilla from Madagascar, and needs to be pollinated by hand since the insects that normally do the job weren’t brought to the island with the first plants. So our host, Teva, showed us how to pollinate the flowers. It made me blush, but it’s all in the name of science and fine cuisine!



The whole thing was run out of his house with his wife. Sounds like it takes a good deal of time and capital to set up, but then runs pretty smoothly. Teva said he sells mostly to local and foreign restaurants looking for organic, independently grown vanilla. Great niche.





Then it was off to the pearl farm along the winding coastal road. Gorgeous weather and a great view of Bora Bora.




Out on the docks our hostess, Magda, showed Miranda and I the process of making a pearl. The oysters are mostly a breed from the Tuamotus and are now grown here, hung in baskets under floats in the lagoon. Oysters will coat foreign objects in their iridescent mother of pearl. When that happens in nature you get a gorgeous object the size and shape of a Nerdz candy, but certainly not your gramma’s pearl earrings style.



To get that shape the oysters are grown for a couple years until they’re big enough to handle a nucleus, or sphere cut from a swarthy clam from the Mississippi river. So a white marble is put into the oyster, and twelve to eighteen months later the thing is coated to an appropriate thickness with mother of pearl. Seems like cheating, right?



If an oyster spits out the nucleus or coats it only partially, which happens about half the time, the oyster will never be a pearl bearer and is thus is eaten with lemon and garlic. If the oyster coats the nucleus well, which can be discerned through careful, non-destructive surgery, a larger nucleus is inserted and the oyster is returned to the farm. Most productive oysters can make four pearls before they’re tuckered out. Magda showed me all about where to squeeze to get the pearl to pop out. She said I’m pretty good at it, but I’m sure she says that to all the guys. Geeze, here I thought vanilla pollination would be the only thing that made me blush on this excursion.


The next day the good weather held and we were off to the other side of Taha’a. On the northwest side of the island are a couple motus; we anchored just off Ilot Tautau, encrusted with expensive palapa-style bungalows stretching out across the water. They had a really lovely view until we showed up and plunked our anchor just offshore in the eight feet of crystalline water and clear sand. Suckers!



Between Tautau and the next motu north, Mararare, there’s a pass out to the reef that’s 300 feet wide and a quarter mile long. The channel is only three feet at the deepest and it’s a snorkeling gold mine. It’s called the Coral Gardens, but Coral Maze might be more appropriate. The corals are healthy, colorful, and dense. And the fish must be used to getting fed by the tourists because upon entry they swarm you. If you open your hands to them they nip at your empty palms. I lost sight of Miranda a few times behind clouds of Pacific Double Saddle Butterflyfish and Convict Surgeonfish.





Even though we didn’t bring any bread to feed the fish I still think they were happy to see us.


Two days of almost constant immersion and then we were off to Bora Bora, purportedly the most beautiful island in the world!

