Brisbane, Australia

Author:  Pete
Location:  Brisbane, Australia

So that’s it!  Sail in from the deep blue and be done with it!  Quack!  With all things boaty it’s not that easy.  But, we’re making progress in the right direction.  We met with quarantine in the morning after our arrival and then found my mom in town.  Brisbane is fabulous!  Who knew?!  I was a bit overwhelmed by all the people, commotion, cars.  The speed of the whole thing after the solitude of the waves was unbalancing.  That much time seeing nothing changes your internal tempo and I’m not sure when it will reset.  We walked and walked, reviving hibernating bears that are my legs.  People crossed the street for fear of their growling.





Early the next morning before we headed south to Coomera a package showed up out of the blue, a bottle of Tasmanian bubbly from our friend Greg, long time supporter of our exploits on the seas.  We’re still not sure how he tracked us down so precisely, but the guy is wily as he is witty.  Thanks for the great surprise and the libations Greg!




We fought the rising tide out of the Brisbane River then turned south.  Almost no wind stirred the water and we motored over the glassy cape. 



Eventually we reached the winding narrows that make up the inner waterway.  Shifting sandbanks, braided channels, and contradictory navigation buoys make the fifty mile run from Bris to Coomera scenic but tenuous.




As we delved deeper into the mangrove maze, neglected boats sat on their crusty hulls in the muck of low tide.  I had to assure poor Tayrona that this was not to be her fate, forgotten on the banks.  It’s a sad demise for a proud boat.  No, we were going to Coomera to get her shined up at a fancy marina with other catamaran friends!




We passed over one-meter shallows several times.  No fun getting stuck on your last day-sail.  It got dark.  We followed the glowing lights up the winding river as bats the size of raccoons flocked overhead in the twilight.  I wondered what they fed on to get so big.  Moose?  Eventually the riverside marina came around the bend and, tired but happy, we found our slip in the dark.  Oops!  Someone else is in our berth!  So, tired but happy, we found a vacant slip in the dark.  Oops!  The owners show up in their boat just after we tie up!  So, tired but happy we found a third slip and then snuck off in the dark to the marina bar before anyone could oust us!  Last day-sail for Tayrona!





The next day was Mother’s Day, so we scuffled off to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, just outside of Brisbane.  It’s one of those cheeky things that sounds too toursty to be fun, but fun it was!  It’s hard to not feel like a little kid around koalas and kangaroos.  There were tons of other native animals.  My favorites were the husky bats which I had earlier confused with the Australian Air Force, as well as laughing kookaburra, though they didn’t like any of my jokes.







Undeniably hilarious was the sheep sheering demonstration.  An embarrassed ewe was dragged out by the underarms and shorn to her skivvies in front of a chortling mob.  She waddled off mortified but unharmed, no doubt feeling more than a little sheepish.



Fuzzy animals are a great way to take one’s mind off of troubling events looming on the horizon.  When it was time to go and get back to the business of listing Tayrona I felt a little like this guy.  Merp.



  1. Aleksandra   •  

    Hey guys! Are you going to visit Vladivostok?

    • Pete Gorkiewicz   •     Author

      Sasha! Woa!! Long time, my friend! I’m glad to hear from you! We won’t make it to Vladivostok! I’m sorry! What have you been up to?

  2. Mayhem   •  

    Well against all odds, somehow you seem to have blundered into your final Port intact and unscathed. Unbelievable!!! No doubt Miranda has learned her lesson and will be dumping you off at the first available looney bin to ride out your withdrawls from adventuredom from the comfort of a padded solarium. Oh yes, you’re headed for it now… Early thirty, nerdy, suburby-hood! The most adventurous decisions you’ll be making is what you want for dinner! Muwahahaha!

    • Pete Gorkiewicz   •     Author

      Thanks, Mayhem, for the vote of confidence in my ability to reinsert seamlessly into society. But your hecklings are no match for the advances in science since we’ve been afloat. I’m sure there are ample avenues to maintain my joie de vivre as a landlubber. I hear meth is nice.

      • Mayhem   •  

        Seemless reinsertion is overrated. I much prefer to come burning in through the stratosphere like a space shuttle with no one at the wheel. This may be a good time to point out that the French never accomplished anything like that, so good luck with your en vivo somethin & such or whatever you said. Frankly, I feel like having choices for dinner would be appealing to somebody fending off scurvy for the better part of two years.

  3. Greg   •  

    1) You have a friend named Mayhem who ended the post with a villain laugh. That’s awesome.

    2) Making it into one of the photos (sort-of). Highlight.

    • Pete Gorkiewicz   •     Author

      1) Mayhem is an evil villain. Last I heard he’d just laced all the dog treats in the world with ex-lax. The requisite laugh is compulsory. You two would get along fabulously.

      2) Your handwriting made it in anyway. Still not sure how you pulled that off.

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