About Us
Pete (as written by Miranda) is the most inspiring individual that I know. His get-up-and-go is beyond compare. The amount of life that he has experienced in his 30(ish) short years will cause your jaw to drop. He spent all his growing up years on the gorgeous northern tip of the lower peninsula of Michigan. Go ahead and ask him where this is. I bet you a billion-trillion dollars that he holds up his hand, making a mitten shape, and points to the top of his ring finer. Ask anyone you know from Michigan, I bet you the same billion-trillion dollars they hold up their hand too. Goofy kids. Anyway, he’s lived in Ireland, Russia, Colombia, and Chile and has hiked, biked, climbed, paraglid-ed, kitesurf-ed, scuba dove, water skied, sailed, and surfed throughout them all. There is nothing the man can’t do, and his need to keep learning and pushing himself motivates everyone around him to pick up that new “something-or-other” they’ve been dying to learn. I know I’m ridiculously biased, but I think this guy is like no one else in this world.
Miranda (as written by Pete) hails from Green Bay, Wisconsin, just across Lake Michigan from where I grew up. She is a study in juxtaposition. In mind and body Miranda is the kind of tough and rugged that only a good midwestern hay bale-chucking, calf-birthing, sweetcorn-gnawing upbringing can create. At the same time she is fashionable, elegant, and can be downright girly when the occasion calls for it. We can climb a volcano together, then go for a fancy dinner and dancing. Miranda slings Spanish like a Colombian Costeña but still refers to drinking fountains as ‘bubblers’. She’s organized and efficient like the inner workings of a pocket watch, but lets loose like a confetti cannon. She’s sweet as cream and also a sassy as sharp cheddar, close to her family and friends, but lives thousands of miles away. I had to go to another continent to find a woman that I grew up 150 miles from, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat.
For more fun pictures check out our adventures page!
Oh the Michigan comment…so true. You guys are so darling together! Glad you’re getting hitched!
Hey You Two!! Congratulations on your on wedding — we are so very happy for you both! I just wanted you to know that we will be following your sailing adventures and that you can count us to be praying for you along the way! We consider it a great blessing in our lives that our worlds came together for the two years we were all in Chile. You are both such special people and we are in awe of the way you seize the moments in your days!
I want to share one recent story that you may find interesting. Just yesterday I sat next to a man on a flight home to San Diego from Atlanta where I was attending a conference — this man’s name is John Silverwood and he and his wife and four children set out to sail around the world. After two years out on the seas, they had quite an amazing adventure that they told in a book called Black Wave. John is an extraordinary human being and I really think you would love to read their story.
Whenever you swing into the San Diego area, we would love to have you stay with us!
May God Bless you both!
Jeff & Sonja
Enjoying your blog we have the same beautiful catamaran and are at the beginning of our adventures 🙂
https://selahsailingwordpresscom.wordpress.com is our blog if you are interested. Nice to see what others are doing with the same boat isn’t it.
Fair winds
Hey Kat! Great blog and great looking boat! Tayrona has sure been good to us. Lots of space for friends and family, but still carries us across the seas! Following seas!
Saludos desde Chile, gracias por compartir sus aventuras y experiencias.
Quiero cruzar el Atlantico, como tripulante. Donde me aconsejarías ir??
Tengo considerado Palmas de Mallorca, para el inicio de la Regata cruce del Atlantico o Puerto Rico y embarcarme para seguir recorriendo.
Saludos y buenos vientos
Egor Jimenez
Saludos Ega! Que onda, socio?! Hace mucho tiempo que no nos encontramos! Y tienes planes de cruzar el Atlantico tambien! Que bueno! Seguro que capitanes quierrían tripulante tan fuerte como tu. Me imagino que Palmas sería bien para conseguir veleros en regatta. O puede ser Cape Town en Sudáfrica te vas a encontrar cruceros para Brazil.
Dime como va todo!
Hey Pete, Miranda, was such a great reading out of all your sailing adventures in one shot. I discovered your website just a week ago and have gone through all of this like a shark was running after me 😉
In fact, don’t even remember how did I stumble into your sailing story, but originally I was looking for Lagoon opinions because I and my family have an ongoing idea to jump into a sailing crazy trip as well. Ok, maybe not so crazy as yours 🙂 but still veeeeery ambitious for us.
We are Italians, and have 2 girls aged 6 and 8. We go sailing every year, but just one or 2 weeks per year due to the “standard” job routines that 99% of the working population is trapped in…
To make it short, the idea is to take a sabbatical (6 months – 1 year) to ride from Mediterranean to Carib, explore the islands from south to north and then…who knows? Well, the masterplan is still to be defined, but the basic idea is there.
We want to leave in 3-4 years from now, but I need to get well ready on time and therefore preparation is key to a safe a nice adventure, therefore I have some “practical” questions that I would like to fire at you, if I can…maybe you can send me your private email?
I hope you guys are doing fine in Switzerland, it’s a lovely Country, and maybe you deserved some “rest” after all the oceans you have crossed. If you want to explore Europe, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. Currently we live in Berlin and we would be delighted to have you as guests for a weekend of even longer time. After all the reading it feels like I already know you and would be incredible to see you in person. Of course you can stay at our place, we have a nice guestroom here. When you want to visit Rome, I can offer an accommodation over there as well.
I really hope you will get back at me.
You are a great couple, congratulations for all what you have achieved.
Ciao Giuseppe!
My apologies for not seeing your comment sooner! We have been flooded with starting a life in a new country and have neglected poor Errantries!
I would be very happy indeed to help you with any questions about your journey! It’s a fantastic idea! Be brave! We met many boats on our trip with kids about your girls’ age. It’s seems like an optimal time to bring them out for a real adventure!
Please don’t hesitate to send me your questions. My email is: pgorkiew@gmail.com
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Congratulations on your new baby! All the very best from our family to yours! We live at Riedpark, a balcony almost opposite yours with our two children and our new puppy.
We were actually searching for photos of the recent storm and Google also suggested the “calm before your storm”. Wonderful coincidence!
Wishing you a wonderful and healthy life,
Eugenia Loras, Thomas Mitsoulis, Maggie, Nicholas and Bear
Hi Eugenia!
What a lovely surprise! Thank you for sending us a note! We are enjoying the adventure of our tiny new daughter, Leonie. What a lot to learn!
We have seen you and your kids chasing your new puppy around! All so adorable! Do you have any parenting secrets that you can share? Send us a wave sometime so I know we have the right balcony! We’d love to meet up with you sometime at the playground or for a drink!
Pete, Miranda, and Leonie