Author: Pete
Location: 20°00.000S’ 175°31.251E’
Date: 10.30.15
Leaving Fiji we encountered fair winds and flat sailing for a few hours inside the barrier reef. We were welcomed back to the high seas outside the pass by 25 knot winds on the beam and 2 meters seas. It got pretty raucous with foam blasting our bows and the dishes rattling in the cupboard as if by juggling poltergeists. A bright moon lighting up the sea helped ease us back into our night watches. We’re sailing as close to the wind as possible, and still not quite pointing at our waypoint. We put on Scopolamine patches right out of the chute and have felt pretty darn good even below in the heavy seas. The medication gives the impression that one has been chewing on cotton balls and sawdust though. Mlehth…
Winds moderated through the night and into the afternoon. Tonight we are motoring through the forecasted lull with mirror seas with only a whisper of breeze. We are deviating from our intended course to head more directly to a point 500 miles north of Cape North in New Zealand. Will have to wait to see how the wind fills in as the cycle of highs and lows progresses farther south.